Braces’ best friend

Confession: Flossing is not my favorite thing. Growing up, I would use ANY cool tool to floss rather than use the traditional string.

So when they told me I had to use these weird flexible toothpicks called “threaders” and I’d be flossing multiple times a day with my braces, I was definitely ready to accept my crooked possibly disease inducing teeth and leave. But wisdom won out and I went through with it.

The next day, I googled, “best toothbrush for braces”. Of course, I got lots of great recommendations – but then this beauty came on screen!

The magical “flossing” machine

The Philips Sonicare Flosser promised to “floss” my teeth with air and water AND it came highly recommended for braces.

So – I kept my fancy Norwex toothbrush and bought this mouth tool. It’s fantastic – it’s a glorified water pick. AND awesome.

The moral of this story… buy the tools to take care of your investments… and trick yourself into doing the right thing.

How to Adult Braces

First off the story…

My dentist recommended I have an orthodontics consultation. I had some issues with crowding and gum disease and how it was going to wreak havoc in my future. You know no big deal. (Ha… I was kinda scared.)

I went in for the consultation on a Thursday morning and 5 hours later (which included a MOD pizza 🍕 lunch and prayer break to make fast decisions), I walked out with a full set of metal braces.

I got to my car and burst into tears!

I felt like this…

In my head vs. reality

Considering I am a 36 year old and now I look almost 18 you could understand my tears.

I went to play with my nephews (who did NOT notice them!!).

I have now been in braces 2 weeks and I have a few tips for you, which I will strategically drop in another post in a couple of days.

I have to admit, they aren’t so bad, and may even turn out to be an answered prayer. More to come. Until then – eat some pudding and enjoy your beautiful smile – metal or not!